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$ 0.00572
-13.17 %
0.0067384253 24H最高
0.0050368564 24H最低
0.51706014 历史最高
0.00033272 历史最低
69616332 24H成交量
433280.66 24H成交额
5880.2亿 总量
0 市值
33.78% 24H波幅
173411074413 流通数量
29.49 % 流通率
  • HEX币介绍
You can mine HEX by running some code on your computer or phone once and waiting anywhere from 1 to 5555 days, you choose how long. Then you can mint your rewards by running some code once more. You earn larger rewards based on how long you commit to wait. Longer Pays Better. The APY for HEX mining of average length is 38%. Imagine minting HEX rewards while the price of HEX is going up, you win twice. HEX is totally decentralized. You mint your own rewards. There are no middlemen in HEX.
You can mine HEX by running some code on your computer or phone once and waiting anywhere from 1 to 5555 days, you choose how long. Then you can mint your rewards by running some code once more. You earn larger rewards based on how long you commit to wait. Longer Pays Better. The APY for HEX mining of average length is 38%. Imagine minting HEX rewards while the price of HEX is going up, you win twice. HEX is totally decentralized. You mint your own rewards. There are no middlemen in HEX.